Indian Valley Inlet Protection
We offer a wide range of sediment control devices for jobsite compliance. From inlet filters and sacks to sediment socks, tubes, and bags. Make sure to review your project's sediment control plan and determine which product is right for you.PRODUCT OPTIONS

Sourced from Bloxsom, these inlet filters affix easily to the inlet grate for simple sediment control. Inlet Filters serve as an excellent storm water silt filter at sewer inlets during the construction phase.
1.5” x 27” x 30” Pads - 10/carton
1.5” x 27” x 21’ Roll - 12/pallet
1.5” x 27” x 75’ Roll - 1/pallet

Used to filter out light or thick sediment-laden stormwater from sewer drains with or without grates and provide superior inlet protection. These are designed for use inside the drain structure.
Siltsack - Regular Flow
Siltsack - High Flow
IVI Grate Bags

Three-dimensional tubular sediment control and storm water filtration device designed for storm drain and curb inlet protection. Easily secured around catch basins and inlets. Also used for sediment diversion.
8" Filtrexx Silt Soxx - 150' per pallet
12" Filtrexx Silt Soxx - 75' per pallet
18" Filtrexx Silt Soxx - 45' per pallet

Designed for catch basin protection and sediment diversion. Sediment logs are becoming more the norm for sediment barriers instead of using silt fences. Offered in various dimensions in straw, excelsior and coir.
Aspen Excelsior 9", 12", 18", 20"
Straw Logs 9", 12", 20"
Coir Logs 12", 16", 20"
High Density Coir Logs 12". 16", 20"