SEDIMAT® Sediment Control
SEDIMAT® (patented) is an effective tool for the protection of streams from sedimentation damage during instream construction activities. It's easy to employ and can be used for revegetation when construction is complete.SEDIMAT IN-STREAM CONTROL
SEDIMAT® is a flat 4’ by 10’ pad which is laid singly or in multiples on the streambed immediately downstream of the worksite. Sediment disturbed by construction is carried along the streambed by the current until it encounters SEDIMAT. The sediment then settles through the upper layer of jute mesh and into a layer of excelsior. A lower layer of burlap prevents the sediment from escaping. After construction is complete, the mats are removed and staked to the streambank. They are seeded, mulched, and provide immediate streambank stabilization.
Because the mats are entirely biodegradable there is no need for disposal. The sediment mixed with the rotting excelsior provides a seedbed for germination and growth of the seed mix. SEDIMAT is packaged individually and is easy to store, handle and transport. It can be installed on a streambed using either stones or stakes and can be placed in any configuration or number to provide desired coverage. SEDIMAT may be used alone or in conjunction with other methods of stream protection such as coffer dams, culverts, haybales or silt screen.

Effectively used in utility installation, culvert replacements, ditch maintenance, and bridge work by preventing silt damage to stream beds during construction.

Easy to use individually or in groups for larger streams/waters. Excellent first flush protection. Can be used with other sediment control measures during site work.

Sedimat comes prepared in 4' x 10' sections. Simply unroll and stake into place. When the job is finished, it can be placed on embankments for revegetation efforts.